Hello – I am a mostly retired research biologist and university prof. This website is mostly for random ramblings and nature photographs, but I have also posted information on my research and publications. Most of my research has focused on seabirds and in the last 30 years mostly on the enigmatic Marbled Murrelets (see Research). I live in a small town of Logan Lake in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. I am a keen naturalist and have often worked as a lecturer/naturalist in the Antarctic, Arctic (Svalbard, E Greenland, Russia), Russian Far East and Alaska. I grew up and was educated in South Africa (PhD University of Cape Town), but I have lived in Canada for 40 years.
Be sure to check out my sheathbill page – these are amazing Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic birds which few ornithologists (other than me) have studied: Sheathbills

Alan at St. Andrew’s Bay King Penguin Colony on South Georgia, SubAntarctic